Cluster bootstrap
The bootstrap process installs Flux components on a cluster and creates the relevant files within the repository for managing clusters object using GitOps with Flux.
Before bootstrapping a cluster, Flux allows us to run pre-bootstrap checks to verify that everything is set up correctly. Run the following command for Flux CLI to perform the checks:
~$flux check --pre
> checking prerequisites
> prerequisites checks passed
Now let's bootstrap Flux on our EKS cluster using the CodeCommit repository:
~$flux bootstrap git \
--url=ssh://${GITOPS_IAM_SSH_KEY_ID}@git-codecommit.${AWS_REGION}${EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}-gitops \
--branch=main \
--private-key-file=${HOME}/.ssh/gitops_ssh.pem \
--components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
--network-policy=false \
Let's break down the command above:
- First we tell Flux which Git repository to use to store its state
- After that, we're passing the Git
that we want this instance of Flux to use, since some patterns involve multiple branches in the same Git repository - We use the
parameter to install additional toolkit components that we'll use in the Continuous Integration section - Finally we'll be using SSH for Flux to connect and authenticate using the SSH key at
Now, let's verify that the bootstrap process completed successfully by running the following command:
~$flux get kustomization
flux-system main/6e6ae1d False True Applied revision: main/6e6ae1d
That shows that Flux created the basic kustomization, and that it's in sync with the cluster.