Provision a new Node Group
Create an EKS managed node group:
~$aws eks create-nodegroup --region $AWS_REGION \
--cluster-name $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
--nodegroup-name custom-networking \
--instance-types t3.medium --node-role $CUSTOM_NETWORKING_NODE_ROLE \
--labels type=customnetworking \
--scaling-config minSize=1,maxSize=1,desiredSize=1
Node group creation takes several minutes. You can wait for the node group creation to complete using this command:
~$aws eks wait nodegroup-active --cluster-name $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --nodegroup-name custom-networking
Once this is complete we can see the new nodes registered in the EKS cluster:
~$kubectl get nodes -L
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION NODEGROUP Ready <none> 84m v1.31-eks-036c24b default Ready <none> 61s v1.31-eks-036c24b custom-networking Ready <none> 65m v1.31-eks-036c24b default Ready <none> 65m v1.31-eks-036c24b default
You can see that 1 new node provisioned labeled with the name of the new node group.