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Enable GuardDuty Protection on EKS

In this lab, we'll enable Amazon GuardDuty EKS Protection. This will provide threat detection coverage for EKS Audit Log Monitoring and EKS Runtime Monitoring to help you protect your clusters.

EKS Audit Log Monitoring uses Kubernetes audit logs to capture chronological activities from users, applications using the Kubernetes API, and the control plane searching for potentially suspicious activities.

EKS Runtime Monitoring uses operating system-level events to help you detect potential threats in Amazon EKS nodes and containers.

Lets enable GuardDuty using the AWS CLI:

~$aws guardduty create-detector --enable --features '[{"Name" : "EKS_AUDIT_LOGS", "Status" : "ENABLED"}, {"Name" : "EKS_RUNTIME_MONITORING", "Status" : "ENABLED", "AdditionalConfiguration" : [{"Name" : "EKS_ADDON_MANAGEMENT", "Status" : "ENABLED"}]}]'
    "DetectorId": "1qaz0p2wsx9ol3edc8ik4rfv7ujm5tgb6yhn"

After several minutes validate the aws-guardduty-agent Pod deployment in your EKS Cluster.

~$kubectl -n amazon-guardduty get pods
NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
aws-guardduty-agent-h7qg5   1/1     Running   0          58s
aws-guardduty-agent-hgbsg   1/1     Running   0          58s
aws-guardduty-agent-k7x2b   1/1     Running   0          58s

Then navigate to Findings section of the GuardDuty console:

AWS console iconOpen GuardDuty console

You should find that there are no findings available yet.

GuardDuty findings