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Crypto Currency Runtime

This finding indicates that a container tried to do a crypto mining inside a Pod.

To simulate the finding we'll be running a ubuntu image Pod in the default namespace and from there run a couple of commands to simulate downloading a crypto mining process.

Run the below command to start the Pod:

~$kubectl run crypto -n other --image ubuntu --restart=Never --command -- sleep infinity
~$kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod crypto -n other

Next we can use kubectl exec to run a series of commands inside the Pod. First lets install the curl utility:

~$kubectl exec crypto -n other -- bash -c 'apt update && apt install -y curl'

Next lets download the crypto mining process but dump the output to /dev/null:

~$kubectl exec crypto -n other -- bash -c 'curl -s -o /dev/null || true && echo "Done!"'

These commands will trigger three different findings in the GuardDuty Findings console.

The first one is Execution:Runtime/NewBinaryExecuted which is related to the curl package installed via the APT tool.

Binary execution finding

Take a closer look to the details of this finding, which because they are related to the GuardDuty runtime monitoring show specific information regarding the runtime, context, and processes.

The second and third ones are related to CryptoCurrency:Runtime/BitcoinTool.B!DNS findings. Notice again that the finding details brings different information, this time showing the DNS_REQUEST action, and the Threat intelligence Evidences.

Crypto runtime finding